Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce

During my time working with RainStorm, I developed a new, mobile-friendly website for the Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce. It contains a wide array of information including member news and logo displays, news, events and social feeds and a variety of integrations and custom solutions.

Unique features & challenges

Every project is unique, has different requirements and often involves thinking outside of the box and hours of research. Here are some challenges I faced during the development process and features that make this one special.

Ad management

The Chamber needed a dedicated space for online advertising and sponsorships. I leveraged custom post types and Advanced Custom Fields Pro to create a simple ad management system that suits their specific needs.

The main requirement was to create several ad zones throughout the site, as well as have an option to create a site-wide campaign with a single ad. I created the Zones custom field in ACF with a predefined list of zones and customized it further with a filter – once a zone is selected and ad published, that zone becomes unavailable to choose for other ads.

Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce ad management
Different zones can be selected per ad, allowing high level of ad placement customization.

I also added a simple function that warns admins about selected site-wide campaigns when creating a new ad.

* Displays a notification in the admin if there is a site-wide ad active elsewhere.

function rsc_invisible_ad_admin_notice( $post ) {

$args = array(
'post_type' => 'rsc-ads',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'ad_all_zones',
'value' => '1',
'compare' => '=='

$sitewide = get_posts($args);

if ( $post->post_type == 'rsc-ads' && !empty( $sitewide ) && !get_field( 'ad_all_zones', $post->ID ) ) {

echo '<div class="notice error rsc-ad-notice">';
echo '<p>This ad will not show because you have a <strong>site-wide</strong> ad active.</p>';
echo '</div>';


add_action( 'edit_form_after_title', 'rsc_invisible_ad_admin_notice' );

ChamberMaster integration

The site includes an integration and styling of the ChamberMaster member and event management tool. I created custom templates that display information like members directory, job postings and application forms directly from ChamberMaster, while keeping the experience seemless for the end user.

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